
Nostr needs integration with existing well-built and well-adopted tools. Drupal is a leading Web Content Management System that powers some of the largest web sites and is one of those tools where Nostr can really shine. If we look even broader, there are many existing PHP powered applications on the web which can benefit with a Nostr integration, such as WordPress.

When there is useful and powerful Nostr integration with PHP, developers building these applications and platforms, will create a springboard towards more Nostr adoption.

Most content is always centralised

When content is published on a Drupal powered platform, it usuaslly only exists on that website. With good Nostr integration the goal is to syndicate this content elsewhere on the Nostr network. This is called Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere (POSSE - source: aka cross-posting.

Distributing content across platforms is hard

Drupal site owners are limited to web APIs to distribute content across different platforms, which comes with downsides such as complex access key distribution. With Nostr we don't need such complex APIs because interoperability is integrated on protocol level. This means we don't need permission to distribute content which can be read by any client.

Like Nostr, Drupal is able to handle many different types of content thanks to the famous flexible fieldable entity model. When we combine features of Nostr to distribute the content made in Drupal, we will enter a new era of content publishing on the web.

This initiative

Why should we integrate Nostr in Drupal? Drupal is a prime example of the traditional web. To let the adoption of Nostr grow, it needs to be integrated into the web as it exists today.

We can use Drupal as a tool for achieving this.

Also Drupal is always looking for new ways to accelerate with new technology, so I’m convinced also the Drupal community will welcome Nostr with an open mindset.

This initiative will also benefit other similar FOSS CMS tools such as WordPress, Joomla, TYPO3 or BackdropCMS by building a general PHP library package for Nostr integration.

What have Drupal and Nostr in common?

Both have a strong critical community and are open source champions.

“Come for the software, stay for the community”, a popular meme within the Drupal community. Drupal has a steep learning curve, but with the help of others it’s more fun and easier to master it. At this moment, Nostr has also a steep learning curve with a lot of new features which requires a new conceptual thinking model. The Nostr community is there to help you understand the ecosystem.

The open web manifesto of Drupal



Source: Driesnote at DrupalCon Lille 2023